FengShui HomeCare - Body & Soul Therapies 

& Soul Retrieval - Shamanic studies - Healing retreats



Living Dining


Cuddle therapy reduces stress, anxiety, boosts immune system helps with depression.

Cuddle therapy may include walking and even eating together. This platonic interaction wakes up parts of brain that were previously inactive.

Many people are devoid of human touch. Often family conditions are volatile and explosive. This creates feelings of isolation.

This is purely platonic relaxation clothes on at all times. Like hanging out with a friend.

Touch is vital to human health. Babies have been known to die when not handled regualarly.

For adults this is just as applicable.

A little of you wakes up and begins to flourish when there is appropriate human touch.

Contact Us for your booking.


Special Video     

Geopathic Stress and how it affects our loved ones. Our children often display symptoms of Geopathic stress by playing up and sleepless nights 

A documentry of Geopathic Stress insight into Living Planet