FengShui HomeCare - Body & Soul Therapies 

& Soul Retrieval - Shamanic studies - Healing retreats



Living Dining


Walking Meditation - deeply healing - stress management.

Meditation is life. Monks have often used walking meditation to remain Walking Meditationconnected with people and life on earth.

Video of results of walking meditation is currently being edited - coming soon.

  • Last few decades most people are under constant pressure.
  • Either working out furiously or sitting or just getting from one chore or commitment to another.
  • Then we bring in family and relationship pressures.
  • Business challenges with never ending changes.

When it comes to inner peace, under these conditions it can be difficult to reach.

Good physical workout is great stress relief, but it does not use all the elements. Meditation is excellent - again it does not replace good workout such as personal training yoga or martial arts.

Walking meditation aims to put all this together.

Buddhist walk in meditation frequently.

Many temples throughout Asia engage in martial arts as an extension of their meditation and dedication.

What you learn in walking meditation can assist you in implimenting these levels of mindfulness and awareness in all your activities. This can minimise injury and anxiety of any activity and interaction.

In walkingWalking meditation Meditation you practice applying mindfulness into every aspect of life.

How is this different to sitting meditation.

Many people are actually too stressed to sit and just be. Some are good with chanting, but when that is over - stress comes flooding in again.

Some use meditation as escape a retreat. That is great. Often though when facedWalking meditation with stressful situation the symptoms return.

What Walking meditation does is engage you in movement.

Throughout your day, you are interacting with the environment, people, families and every celebration and challenge.

Walking meditation infuses mindfulness and awarness skills into everyday interactions.

Group Training $35.00

Private Walking meditation is deep immersion soul therapy. POA



Special Video     

Geopathic Stress and how it affects our loved ones. Our children often display symptoms of Geopathic stress by playing up and sleepless nights 

A documentry of Geopathic Stress insight into Living Planet